House Rules

  • Maintain sobriety, a violation can result in immediate discharge for the protection of other residents
  • Residents are not to use any prescribed medication that is not his/hers, nor abuse any medication or sell any prescribed medications.
  • Lock-boxes must be purchased for medications. All medications, including over the counter, must be kept in the lock boxes at all times. Residents are never to take medications in front of other residents. Recovery Road may cut any lock off in order to perform an inspection if a resident refuses access. 
  • Residents are required to attend AA/NA or other approved self-help groups.  These meetings must be in person, virtual meetings will also need approval.  If you are attending any groups outside of AA/NA or virtually, please reach out to Staff to have the meetings approved. Residents must attend a minimum of 5 meetings per week for the first month then a minimum of 4 per week thereafter.  If you have been residing with Recovery Road for 2 years or more you may be considered to attend less meetings at the discretion of Recovery Road Directors.  Residents are required to have an accountability slip signed for each meeting and be actively working with a sponsor/mentor.  
  • If on disability or choosing unemployment, volunteer work may be required. These individuals must also attend a daily AA/NA or otherwise approved self-help group. Your limitations will be considered in determining what is expected.  Please reach out to Staff with any questions.
  • Residents are required to attend the weekly house meeting.  (Work schedule conflict will be considered)
  • Do not enter another resident’s bedroom without prior permission
  • Residents must show RESPECT TOWARDS OTHER RESIDENTS, neighbors and their property. This includes being polite on the house phone and talking to others outside of the house. Never give out another resident's personal information. If the resident is not available, offer to take a message. If a neighbor has concerns, provide contact information of the Housing Director or owner. ** The only numbers to be given out are those of RECOVERY ROAD STAFF, no other residents ** 
  • In regards to RESPECT TOWARDS OTHER RESIDENTS, this also includes swearing or shouting at other residents, if you are frustrated, please use the self-coping skills you have learned/are learning so that further escalation doesn’t occur.  
  • Residents are expected to be up and out of bed by 8:00am (unless working 2nd or 3rd shift)
  • Chores are to be done by 10:00am each day and the Chore Chart MUST be filled out.  Another resident must initial that they checked your chore (for accountability purposes).  Deep clean must occur for assigned house chores on/or around the 1st of the month and for personal bedroom, fridge, and cupboard space on/or around the 15th of the month.  Deep clean must also be checked and initialed by another resident.  
  • Keep house and yard clean at all times (must be guest ready including beds being made).
  • Live by the principles contained in the 12 steps and 12 traditions (honesty, open mindedness, willingness, etc.)
  • No pets of any kind are allowed, please keep in mind that feeding outdoors animals always brings other critters into your yard area
  • Must have or be looking for a job.  Residents are required to fill out 10 job applications per week, unless working with an employment agency.  Verification of employment must be provided to the Director or Go-To Person to receive extended curfew.  If it is suspected that you are not looking for work you may be put on a contract that includes filling out a job tracking form and reporting your progress to Staff.  This may be an expectation that your funding source requires and if it is not fulfilled you may be jeopardizing your program fees being covered by that agency.  Please check with staff to find out the requirements of your funding if you feel they may not have been communicated effectively by your referring agency.
  • All payments to Recovery Road must be by money order or Venmo. Money order payments can be placed in the deposit box in your home.  Venmo payments can be made to @Preston-Smith-173.  It is your responsibility to begin making program fee payments after your funding source payments have expired and you are planning to stay at Recovery Road.  Please reach out to Staff with any concerns.  Please also communicate which means of payment you will be using with Staff.
  • The curfew for unemployed residents and residents who have been admitted WITHIN THE LAST MONTH is 10:00pm every night. Curfew for employed residents is Sunday-Thursday is 11:00pm; Friday-Saturday is 1:00am. Residents who do not return by curfew and/or do not call will be considered in violation; emergency situations will be considered. 
  • All personal belongings MUST be removed from the property within 24 hours of moving out or being discharged from the program. In the event such personal property remains unclaimed after 24 hours it shall be deemed abandoned and disposed of.
  • Resident is not allowed to take part in any illegal activities. This behavior will jeopardize your ability to stay in the program, no matter how small a part you play in the activity.
  • Smoking, vaping and chewing tobacco is only allowed in pre-approved areas.
  • Personal hygiene must be maintained. Residents must shower a minimum of every other day. Walking barefoot in the house is not permitted. Bedding must be washed at least twice monthly.  Resident must be fully dressed when outside of bedroom or bathroom.                                                                   
  • No modifications or alterations to the house of any kind are permitted (including holes in walls from wall hangings, ONLY CORK BOARDS MAY BE USED FOR WALL HANGINGS- if you would like to purchase your own cork boards Recovery Road will hang them for you as long as there is an expectation that they will be left in the home upon your discharge).  Any wall hangings that you place in your home will be removed.  
  • No violations of parole or probation conditions are permitted. Recovery Road maintains a working relationship with the parole and probation departments. Any violation of parole or probation term, including Breathalyzer test or drug screens, will be reported to the resident's respective agent.
  • No possession of weapons of any kind is permitted on Recovery Road property.
  • Any room, belongings, or person can be searched at any time for any reason.
  • No sleeping / lying on furniture outside of bedrooms is allowed.
  • Eating is only allowed in the kitchen or dining room. ONLY WATER is allowed in bedrooms.
  • Absolutely no threatening, intimidating, lewd or violent behavior will be tolerated. Residents who violate this rule WILL be discharged from Recovery Road immediately and authorities will be called when necessary.
  • No household items containing alcohol and some other items are not permitted in the house and should not be used outside of this house while residing in a Recovery Road home. This includes, but is not limited to: liquid hairspray (must be aerosol), mouth wash, rubbing alcohol, (wipe pads are OK), real flavor extracts (imitation OK), Kombucha, cough or cold syrups, Kratom, medical marijuana, and kava.
  • If a resident is aware of another resident violating Recovery Road rules, and does not bring it to the immediate attention of Recovery Road management, the enabling resident will be considered for discharge from the program. 
  • No parking in the driveway at Wealthy Street house.  All other homes have a first come, first serve or a seniority policy that they use.  Please speak to your go to person or RECOVERY ROAD STAFF.
  • No loitering in the neighborhood is allowed
  • All residents must breathalyze and show to another resident every morning, night, and after each time returning to the house.  Residents must log in the notebook that this occurred and the resident who witnessed the breathalyzer screen must initial.   
  • All residents shall sign in and sign out as they come and go.
  • The resident is responsible for any guest that is brought into the house. Guests are to respect all Recovery Road rules. If a guest is brought into the house under the influence of any substance they will be asked to leave and the resident will be considered for discharge. Guests are to remain in common areas and are never allowed in bedrooms.  Guests must not be in the home later than 8pm on weekdays and 10pm on the weekend.  Due to Covid19 rules about guests are subject to change.
  • No male guests are allowed on Recovery Road’s women’s property.  (This includes outside unless approved by management).  Please speak to RECOVERY ROAD STAFF if you have any questions about this rule.
  • No female guests are allowed in men's bedrooms.
  • No overnight outings during the first thirty days in the program.   After thirty days overnights will be approved as follows:  an overnight form must always be filled out, if you are behind in program fees or house fund, or violating rules, including chores not being completed your overnight will NOT be approved.   Go-To People can approve overnight forms if the overnight is for one night only.  This should occur at the house meeting.  If you would like two or more nights out it must be approved by Staff.  If you have been residing at Recovery Road for a year or less only one multiple night outing can occur during each month, this is firm.  Go-To People must also fill out a form; these should be signed by another resident in the home at the house meeting. 
  • Resident is not allowed, at any time, at home or away, to engage in sexually explicit activities outside of a personal relationship. This applies to prostitution, posting pictures/videos to OnlyFans, SnapChat Premium or other internet platforms. (If you are being compensated, it is not considered part of a personal relationship.)

It is understood that any violations of Recovery Road rules and expectations may result in loss of privileges or discharge from the program.



Program Fee is $600.00 a month.

* Fee can be paid weekly, bi-monthly or monthly installments

Residents on Disability will pay a prorated amount for the first month at time of moving in, and $600.00 is due on the first of every month thereafter.

* A minimum of $300.00 is required to move in for any self-paying individual.  The first $300.00 is non-refundable and will cover the first two weeks of program fees.

Program Cost Includes:

  • All utilities (gas, electric, water, cable, trash)
  • Wi-Fi is available for computers, smart phones and other devices
  • House phone with free long distance within the US

Each resident pays an additional $5.00 per week towards a house fund. These funds are managed by the residents and are used for buying toilet paper, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, dish soap and all cleaning supplies.



  • What services do you offer?  We offer a safe sober living option for people serious about recovery.  We provide rules, structure, accountability, and support in a homelike setting.
  • What time is curfew?  Curfew is 10pm every night for the first month.  After the first month if you have gained employment, curfew is 11p Sun-Thurs and 1am Fri-Sat.
  • Can I take an overnight?  After 30 days you may be eligible for overnight outings.
  • Will I share a room?  Typically every new resident will share a room with at least one other resident.  
  • Do you have internet?  Each house has internet available to everyone, cable, and a house phone.
  • What should I bring?  As the rooms are shared and there is limited space available we ask that you bring the season’s worth of clothes you will need.  Residents are required to provide their own bedding for a twin size bed, hangers and food for themselves.
  • How will I get to the meetings/self help groups that are required?  Each house is on the bus line, easily accessible to public transportation.  Depending on the location of the home meetings may be within walking distance.  Residents are required to provide their own transportation.  Residents may have their own vehicle at Recovery Road but resident must be a legal driver with an insured, working vehicle.
  • Do you work with individuals who have a criminal sexual conduct history?  No, we are unable to serve individuals with CSC history due to residents being allowed to have visits with children in the home.
  • Can children stay with me at Recovery Road?  An approval must first be granted by a Director of Recovery Road, and are given on an individual basis.
  • What is the $5 per week house fund used for?  $5 per week is pooled into a house fund each week by all residents.  These funds are not managed by Recovery Road.  House funds are used for household supplies such as toilet paper, paper towel, cleaning supplies, etc.  A list is compiled by all residents each week at the house meeting.  
  • How much is it to move for an individual who will be self-paying?  $300 is required to move in for any self paying individuals, no exceptions.  This covers the first two weeks.  Our monthly rate for program fees is $600. An individual can pay $600 once a month or $300 twice a month or $150 four times a month. Residents on Disability will pay a prorated amount for the first month at time of moving in, and $600 is due on the first of every month thereafter.                      
  • Do you provide services for both men and women?  Recovery Road currently has 6 men’s houses and 5 women’s houses in Grand Rapids. We also have one men’s home in Muskegon.  We are an LGBTQIA+ friendly community.
  • Do you accept residents prescribed to methadone and suboxone?  Recovery Road celebrates all pathways to recovery including MAT services.
  • Is there on-site laundry?  Yes, each house has a coin operated washer & dryer.